AddinsAddins\Topic Merge Add-in

Topic Merge Add-in

The Topic Merge add-in merges multiple topic bodies together.


1.    Merge topic at level:  Merge the topic bodies at specified outline level together.

*    Note:  Set this option to 1 creates a single continued page.


2.    Text match:  Merge child topic bodies when parent heading titles match the find condition.

*    Find method

*    Plain text:  Find the topic title like the value of Find textbox, one topic title per line.

*    Wildcards:  Same as above, * and ? are regarded as wildcards.

*    Regex:  Use Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE) to find the topic titles.  The check button is used to validate the regular expression.

*    Match mode

*    Exact match:  The matched topic titles are exactly like the find text.

*    Contains:  The matched topic titles contain the find text.


3.    Style match:  Merge child topic bodies when parent heading styles match the find condition.

*    See also:  Text match


4.    Bookmark match:  Merge child topic bodies when bookmarks in parent headings match the find condition.

*    See also:  Text match


5.    Misc

*    Display merged nodes:  Display or hide the merged topics on topic tree.


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